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2012 Peoples’ International Health Tribunal Hearing on Goldcorp’s Mining Operations in Central America [Guatemala/Marlin]

In July 2012 the Peoples’ International Health Tribunal held a hearing regarding three of Goldcorp’s mining operations in Latin America, including the Marlin mine project in San Miguel Ixtahuacán and Sipacapa, San Marcos, Guatemala. Testimony was heard from health, environmental, and human rights experts, and members of communities directly affected by the mining operations. The Tribunal “delivered a guiltyContinue reading “2012 Peoples’ International Health Tribunal Hearing on Goldcorp’s Mining Operations in Central America [Guatemala/Marlin]”

2012 People’s International Health Tribunal Hearing on Goldcorp’s mining operations in Central America [Honduras]

In July 2012 the People’s International Health Tribunal held a hearing regarding Goldcorp’s mining operations in Carrizalillo, Guerrero, México; Valle de Siria [Siria Valley], Francisco Morazán, Honduras; and San Miguel Ixtahuacán and Sipacapa, San Marcos, Guatemala. Testimony was heard from health, environmental, and human rights experts, and members of communities directly affected by the mining operations. The Tribunal “delivered aContinue reading “2012 People’s International Health Tribunal Hearing on Goldcorp’s mining operations in Central America [Honduras]”