The National Roundtable against Metallic Mining in El Salvador (Mesa Nacional) has been the driving force behind popular law-drafting efforts around the issue of metallic mining and its relation to human and environmental rights. The Mesa Nacional is an umbrella organization that began in 2005 in an effort to bring together social, environmental, and religiousContinue reading “2006-2017 The Mesa Nacional drafts and proposes Legislative Bans on Metallic Mining”
Subsoil Key Actors Category Archives
2010 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights hearing on the Situation of Environmentalists in Mesoamerica
In October 2010, the International Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) held a hearing, entitled the “Situation of Environmentalists in Mesoamerica”, as part of its 140th Regular Period of Sessions. From El Salvador, the participants included the National Roundtable Against Metallic Mining in El Salvador (Mesa Nacional) and the Commitee in Solidarity with the People ofContinue reading “2010 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights hearing on the Situation of Environmentalists in Mesoamerica”
2009-2016 Pacific Rim International Investment Arbitration against El Salvador
In April 2009, Pacific Rim Mining Corporation (“Pacific Rim Corp.”), through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Pac Rim Cayman LLC (“PRC”, together referred to as “Pacific Rim”), commenced an Arbitration action under the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention seeking damages of more than US$314 million from El Salvador for unlawfully terminating its rightsContinue reading “2009-2016 Pacific Rim International Investment Arbitration against El Salvador”
2017 IACHR Hearing on Access to Public Information relating to Extractive Projects
On 18 March 2017, the Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD) (in partnership with the Humboldt Centre) and Law, Environment and Natural Resources (DAR), among others, appeared before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to provide testimony for a hearing, entitled the “Right of Access to Information and Transparency in Environmental Management, Licensing, Monitoring,Continue reading “2017 IACHR Hearing on Access to Public Information relating to Extractive Projects”
2018 Community condemns Company-led “Consultation Processes”
On 15 January 2018, B2Gold, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.), held a consultation on the environmental impacts of its planned exploration to the west of “Tajo La Antena” project, a portion of La Libertad Mine project located near the Jabalí neighbourhood in Santo Domingo’s town centre (also known as,Continue reading “2018 Community condemns Company-led “Consultation Processes””
2013 Criminalization of Protests and Mining Opposition Movements
After the arrival of B2Gold and its subsidiary, Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.), in the Department of Chontales, there were several reported cases of criminalization, violence, threats, and forced displacement against local residents and opponents of large scale mining, particularly in the municipality of Santo Domingo (CENIDH, 2013; Revista Envío, 2013). In 2012,Continue reading “2013 Criminalization of Protests and Mining Opposition Movements”
2012 Administrative complaint filed by Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD)
In 2012, the Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD), with the assistance of the Humboldt Centre, filed an administrative complaint with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), the Office of the State Prosecutor (PGR), and the Municipality, challenging the granting of exploitation mining licences to Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.),Continue reading “2012 Administrative complaint filed by Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD)”
1997-2017 Nicaraguan Mining and related Laws
In 2001, a new law regulating mining was approved by the National Assambly, the Special Law on Mining Exploration and Exploitation (No. 387) and regulations thereunder (Decree No. 119-2001). In subsequent years, further laws have been passed regulating discharge waste water (Regulation establishing Rules for the Discharge of Waste Water – Decree No. 21-2017), andContinue reading “1997-2017 Nicaraguan Mining and related Laws”
2006-2014 Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal hearings on Canadian mining in Latin America [Guatemala/Marlin]
Between 2006 and 2010, the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) held three hearings as part of a session, entitled the “European Union and transnational corporations in Latin America: policies, instruments and actors complicit in the violations of peoples’ rights.” This session included testimony and evidence relating to the Marlin Mine in Guatemala. In respect to thisContinue reading “2006-2014 Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal hearings on Canadian mining in Latin America [Guatemala/Marlin]”
2004-2005 Human Rights Ombudsperson’s Office carries out investigation into Marlin mine
In January 2004, the Collective of Social Organizations of San Marcos (COSAM) made a request to governmental authorities to cancel the exploitation licences granted to Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, S.A., the wholly owned subsidiary of Goldcorp Inc., owner of the Marlin Mine project. They argued that not stopping the mining licences would result in negativeContinue reading “2004-2005 Human Rights Ombudsperson’s Office carries out investigation into Marlin mine”