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2007- Municipalities Declare Territories Free of Mining [ASP1 and ASP2]

Between 2013 and 2015, approximately 20 municipalities across Honduras declared themselves “territories free of mining” by holding public referenda or consultative assemblies (cabildos abiertos) in which communities voted on whether to allow mining operations where they lived. These municipalities included, among others, Sabá and Balfate in Colón; Danlí and Teupasenti in El Paraíso; El Negrito,Continue reading “2007- Municipalities Declare Territories Free of Mining [ASP1 and ASP2]”

2016-2020 Tocoa Municipal consultative assembly to declare “Territory Free of Mining”

According to Article 25 of the Honduran Law of Municipalities, the Municipal Council is empowered “to call a plebiscite of all municipal citizens to take decisions on issues that the Council considers of great importance. The result of the plebiscite is binding and should be made public” (See Legal Action entitled “2007- Municipalities Declare TerritoriesContinue reading “2016-2020 Tocoa Municipal consultative assembly to declare “Territory Free of Mining””

2018-2022 Criminalisation and detention of CMDBCP environmental rights defenders

The criminalisation and unwarranted detention of human rights defenders in Honduras has been widely documented by national and international human rights organizations (IACHR, 2019: para. 306; Statement at the end of visit to Honduras by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, 2019). This includes the manipulation of the justice system to mountContinue reading “2018-2022 Criminalisation and detention of CMDBCP environmental rights defenders”

2014-2017 Five municipalities declare themselves “Mining-Free Territories” through popular consultation procedures

Articles 115 and 116 of El Salvador’s Municipal Code require municipal governments to promote citizen participation through various mechanisms, including popular consultations (consulta popular). According to art. 117, a popular consultation must be held where “40% of eligible voters request in writing” that one be called (See also, 2014). Moreover, the municipal council cannotContinue reading “2014-2017 Five municipalities declare themselves “Mining-Free Territories” through popular consultation procedures”

2010 Administrative Complaint filed by the Units of Environmental Management (UGA) from six municipalities

In October 2010, Units of Environmental Management (UGA) from six municipalities, including Santo Domingo and La Libertad, filed an administrative complaint with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) and the Office of the State Prosecutor (PGR) on the basis that the exploration activities conducted by B2Gold through its wholly owned subsidiary, DesarrolloContinue reading “2010 Administrative Complaint filed by the Units of Environmental Management (UGA) from six municipalities”

2012 Administrative complaint filed by Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD)

In 2012, the Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD), with the assistance of the Humboldt Centre, filed an administrative complaint with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), the Office of the State Prosecutor (PGR), and the Municipality, challenging the granting of exploitation mining licences to Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.),Continue reading “2012 Administrative complaint filed by Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD)”

2012 Administrative Complaint by Artisanal Miners against B2Gold

According to an interview conducted with a representative of the Humboldt Centre as part of The Legal Cultures of the Subsoil project, in October 2012, two groups of small-scale artisanal miners, El Cafetal (The Coffee Plantation) and Sector La Cuatro (Sector Four), filed a complaint with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), withContinue reading “2012 Administrative Complaint by Artisanal Miners against B2Gold”

2013 Criminalization of Protests and Mining Opposition Movements

After the arrival of B2Gold and its subsidiary, Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.), in the Department of Chontales, there were several reported cases of criminalization, violence, threats, and forced displacement against local residents and opponents of large scale mining, particularly in the municipality of Santo Domingo (CENIDH, 2013; Revista Envío, 2013). In 2012,Continue reading “2013 Criminalization of Protests and Mining Opposition Movements”