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2012 Administrative complaint filed by Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD)

In 2012, the Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD), with the assistance of the Humboldt Centre, filed an administrative complaint with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), the Office of the State Prosecutor (PGR), and the Municipality, challenging the granting of exploitation mining licences to Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.),Continue reading “2012 Administrative complaint filed by Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD)”

2012 Administrative Complaint by Artisanal Miners against B2Gold

According to an interview conducted with a representative of the Humboldt Centre as part of The Legal Cultures of the Subsoil project, in October 2012, two groups of small-scale artisanal miners, El Cafetal (The Coffee Plantation) and Sector La Cuatro (Sector Four), filed a complaint with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), withContinue reading “2012 Administrative Complaint by Artisanal Miners against B2Gold”