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2021 Meeting in Congress to question officials on compliance with IACHR measures

In September 2021, the deputy, Vicenta Jerónimo, held a meeting in Congress to question representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), the Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights (COPADEH) and the Institute of Municipal Development (INFOM) regarding compliance with the precautionary measures of the Inter-AmericanContinue reading “2021 Meeting in Congress to question officials on compliance with IACHR measures”

2015-2016 Constitutional challenge to Cerro Blanco exploitation licence

In November 2015, a resident of the municipality of Asunción Mita (Department of Jutiapa, Guatemala), filed a petition to the Guatemalan Supreme Court for constitutional protection (amparo) against the Minister of Energy and Mines for failure to terminate the Cerro Blanco exploitation licence in accordance with the Mining Law. The petition was supported by Colectivo MadreselvaContinue reading “2015-2016 Constitutional challenge to Cerro Blanco exploitation licence”

2011– Criminalization of community leaders opposed to Escobal mine

In 2011, as opposition to the Escobal mine began to develop in local communities, there were peaceful protests against mining-related construction work. This resulted in a series of unsubstantiated charges being levelled against opposition leaders, including members of the newly formed, Committee in Defence of Life and Peace of San Rafael Las Flores, as wellContinue reading “2011– Criminalization of community leaders opposed to Escobal mine”

2010– Petition filed to oppose approval of Environmental Impact Assessment

In December 2010, the Committee in Defence of Life and Peace of San Rafael Las Flores and Colectivo Madreselva presented a petition of opposition to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) to oppose the approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) submitted by Tahoe and Minera San Rafael to obtain an exploitation licenceContinue reading “2010– Petition filed to oppose approval of Environmental Impact Assessment”

2019- IACHR issues precautionary measures on behalf of Xinka Parliament lawyer

In July 2019, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued precautionary measures on behalf of a prominent indigenous lawyer working with the Xinka Parliament. The lawyer had received a series of anonymous death threats, particularly after the public complaint by the Xinka Parliament against the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) and the MinistryContinue reading “2019- IACHR issues precautionary measures on behalf of Xinka Parliament lawyer”

2018- Human Rights Ombudspersons of El Salvador and Guatemala coordinate actions on transborder impacts

In November 2018, El Salvador’s and Guatemala’s Human Rights Ombudspersons signed a letter of agreement on joint action on the project, “Strengthening the capacities of the personnel of the human rights institutions of El Salvador and Guatemala in relation to Business and Human Rights”. The project was supported and financed by the Danish Institute ofContinue reading “2018- Human Rights Ombudspersons of El Salvador and Guatemala coordinate actions on transborder impacts”

1992-2001 Constitutional Reforms to recognise Mexico’s pluricultural identity and Indigenous rights

There has been a long struggle for the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples in Mexico. An important achievement of this movement was the 1991 ratification by the Mexican government of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention 169 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). In 1992, article 4 of the Constitution was reformed toContinue reading “1992-2001 Constitutional Reforms to recognise Mexico’s pluricultural identity and Indigenous rights”