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2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution

In March 2005, Montana Exploradora filed for constitutional protection (amparo) against the resolution (EXP.PREVENCIÓN SM.01-2004/D.S.) of the Office of the San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson (PDH). The resolution had found that members of the community of San Miguel Ixtahuacán and mine workers had suffered human rights violations as a result of the Marlin project. The PDHContinue reading “2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution”

2019- IACHR issues precautionary measures on behalf of Xinka Parliament lawyer

In July 2019, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued precautionary measures on behalf of a prominent indigenous lawyer working with the Xinka Parliament. The lawyer had received a series of anonymous death threats, particularly after the public complaint by the Xinka Parliament against the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) and the MinistryContinue reading “2019- IACHR issues precautionary measures on behalf of Xinka Parliament lawyer”

2018- Human Rights Ombudspersons of El Salvador and Guatemala coordinate actions on transborder impacts

In November 2018, El Salvador’s and Guatemala’s Human Rights Ombudspersons signed a letter of agreement on joint action on the project, “Strengthening the capacities of the personnel of the human rights institutions of El Salvador and Guatemala in relation to Business and Human Rights”. The project was supported and financed by the Danish Institute ofContinue reading “2018- Human Rights Ombudspersons of El Salvador and Guatemala coordinate actions on transborder impacts”

2004-2005 Human Rights Ombudsperson’s Office carries out investigation into Marlin mine

In January 2004, the Collective of Social Organizations of San Marcos (COSAM) made a request to governmental authorities to cancel the exploitation licences granted to Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, S.A., the wholly owned subsidiary of Goldcorp Inc., owner of the Marlin Mine project. They argued that not stopping the mining licences would result in negativeContinue reading “2004-2005 Human Rights Ombudsperson’s Office carries out investigation into Marlin mine”

2016 Investigation by Human Rights Ombudsperson [Cerro Blanco]

In December 2016, Guatemala’s Human Rights Ombudsperson released a decision relating to an investigation of the alleged violation of the human right to a healthy environment by Entre Mares, S.A., as a result of the operation of and waste produced by its Cerro Blanco mine. As part of its investigation, the Human Rights Prosecutor solicited reports fromContinue reading “2016 Investigation by Human Rights Ombudsperson [Cerro Blanco]”