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2010 Ethics Tribunal on Border Mining [Cerro Blanco]

In November 2010, the first annual Ethics Tribunal was convened on the topic of Border Mining in Latin America. The Tribunal was held in Santiago, Chile, with a panel of judges drawn from leading individuals in the areas of human rights, trade unions, pastoral work, environmental defense, and indigenous rights. Organizers, including the Latin American Observatory of Environmental Conflicts in Chile (OLCA), solicited complaints from institutions and communities interested in participating in the proceedings. Cerro Blanco was one of four border mining projects considered by the panel, which found, among other things, a lack of dialogue by companies and greater interest in private property and economic interests over common goods and environmental protection. The panel recommended, among other things, that affected communities prevent, through peaceful means, the approval of new laws that compromise their current and future well-being, including through alliances with civil society and pressuring competent authorities.

The topics examined by the Ethics Tribunal vary from year to year. At the time of writing (September 2018), the most recent session was held in November 2017 on the topic of human trafficking.

Type of Action / Tipo de Acción:
Popular Tribunal Proceedings
Extractive Project / Proyecto extractivo:
Region / Región:
Central America
Country / País:
Natural Resource / Recurso natural:
Gold, Silver
Jurisdiction / Jurisdicción:
Ethics Tribunal on Border Mining
Category of Key Actors in Legal Action / Categoría de actores claves en la Acción Legal:
Non-Profit Organization
Human Rights Violated/Claimed:
Right to defend rights, Right to due process, Right to consultation, Right to a healthy environment, Right to access information
Key Legal Actors Involved / Actores jurídicos clave involucrados:
Centre for Environmental and Socio-Legal Action (CALAS)
Legal Artefact / Artefactos Legales
References / Referencias:

Daniela Estrada, “Latin America: Border Mining Projects Before Ethics Tribunal”, dated 8 September 2010, online:, accessed on 8 October 2020

Inter-Press Service News Agency, “Ecobreves – LATIN AMERICA: First Ethics Tribunal for Border Mining”, dated 2 August 2010, online:, accessed on 8 October 2020

OLCA, “Sancionan proceder anti ético de transnacionales mineras y autoridades”, dated 28 October 2010, online:, accessed on 8 October 2020

Presentation by Ingrid Almendras (RAICES), “El trafico de personas y la trata”, presented at the VIII Tribunal Ético, Santiago, Chile, November 2017, online:, accessed on8 October 2020

Radio Konciencia, “Tribunal Ético de Minería de Frontera: Defensores de los derechos humanos constituyen panel de jueces”, dated 27 September 2010, online:, accessed on 8 October 2020