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2019 Request for IACHR precautionary measures on behalf of Guapinol human rights activists

Lawyers representing the environmental activists of Municipal Committee in Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP) in detention or threatened with arrest requested the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to issue precautionary measures obliging the Honduran government to protect the Guapinol defenders at risk and respect their right to promote the protection of human rights. At the time of writing (April 2021), the IACHR has not issued precautionary measures. However, the IACHR previously issued precautionary measures on behalf of campesino activists under threat in the Bajo Aguán, where Tocoa is located, in 2014 and extended them in 2016 to additional beneficiaries. These grassroots peasant organizations had been subject to scores of attacks, killings and disappearances as a result of conflicts over land and natural resources since the 1990s (Kerssen 2013; OPDAH 2014). The 2016 precautionary measures identified members of the Unified Campesino Movement of Aguán (MUCA) as at risk. This included a former president of MUCA who received State police protection as a result of the IACHR measures. He was subsequently arrested in connection with the Guapinol case and at the date of writing (November 2021) remains imprisoned (See the Legal action entitled “2018- Criminalisation and detention of CMDBCP environmental rights defenders”).

Type of Action / Tipo de Acción:
International and Regional Treaties and Procedures
Legal Description / Descripción Legal:
A petition to the IACHR to issue precautionary measures to protect criminalised defenders
Extractive Project / Proyecto extractivo:
Region / Región:
Central America
Country / País:
Natural Resource / Recurso natural:
Iron oxide
Jurisdiction / Jurisdicción:
Inter-American System
Category of Key Actors in Legal Action / Categoría de actores claves en la Acción Legal:
Civil Society Organizations, Grassroots Movements, State institutions, Multi-lateral Organizations
Human Rights Violated/Claimed:
Right to defend rights, Right to safety and personal integrity
Key Legal Actors Involved / Actores jurídicos clave involucrados:
Municipal Committee for the Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP), Inter American Commission on Human Rights
References / Referencias:

Tanya M. Kerssen, Grabbing power: the new struggles for land, food and democracy in northern Honduras, dated 2013, Food First Books

CESPAD, “Injusticias y asesinatos marcan lucha por la defensa territorial del Movimiento Campesino del Aguán (MCA)”, dated January 2017, online:, consulted 6 December 2021.

Permanent Observatory of Human Rights of the Bajo Aguan (OPDHA), Informe Estadístico de Muertes violentas relacionadas al conflicto de tierras el el Bajo Aguan 2008-2013, dated February 2014, online:, accessed 6 December 2021