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2008 CAVS files criminal complaint against Attorney General for obstruction of justice

In May 2008, CAVS made a criminal complaint against the Attorney General of Guatemala and the Assistant Attorney General for obstruction of justice, delaying justice, abuse of authority and violation of their duties as public officials. The legal action sought the suspension of the officials from their posts. The complaint did not result in any actionContinue reading “2008 CAVS files criminal complaint against Attorney General for obstruction of justice”

2002 Criminal complaint filed for contamination to Malake River

In 2002, Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) filed a criminal complaint with the public prosecutor for crimes against health in relation to contamination of the Malake River. However, the complaint did not result in charges or legal action against those responsible.

2000 Community organizations challenge legality of environmental permit

In June 2010, the Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) and other civil society organizations filed an administrative challenge to the legality of the Honduran Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (SERNA) granting an environmental permit for exploitation of the San Martín concession. The legal challenge was unsuccessful (CIDSE, 2009: 69).