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2012 Honduran Civil Society Organizations Denounce Government's Failure to Consider Public Demands regarding the Proposed Mining Law

In April 2012, the National Coalition of Environmental and Social Networks against Open Pit Mining and the Siria Valley Environmental Committee denounced the refusal of the government and National Congress to listen and attend to civil society demands in relation to the proposed Mining Law. They called on the National Congress to initiate an open and transparent participation process, in which Honduran citizens would have much to contribute.
Political Action Category / Categoría de Acción Política:
Reference / Referencia:
Movimiento M-4, "Honduras: Congreso Nacional se niega a discutir el proyecto de ley de minería con las organizaciones sociales", dated 27 April 2012, online:
Accessed on date / Fecha de consulta:
8 October 2020