2013 Guatemala-El Salvador Bi-National Commission on Cerro Blanco
In Feburary 2013, the Presidents of El Salvador and Guatemala announced the creation of a bi-national commision to analyze the impact of the Cerro Blanco mine in Guatemala and potential risk of water contamination for both countries.
Political Action Category / Categoría de Acción Política:
Government Action
Reference / Referencia:
Stopesmining.org, "Governments of Guatemala and El Salvador forced to respond to community concerns regarding the Cerro Blanco mining project", dated 28 February 2013, online: http://www.stopesmining.org/news/81-cerro-blanco-news/211-governments-of-guatemala-and-el-salvador-forced-to-respond-to-community-concerns-regarding-the-cerro-blanco-mining-project
Accessed on date / Fecha de consulta:
5 August 2020