2014 Small scale miners protest in Santo Domingo
In February 2014, small scale miners marched in Santo Domingo to reaffirm their struggle against industrial mining exploitation and demand that B2Gold comply with its commitments, noting that the company had strategically created divisions between organized groups. The mayor of Santo Domingo also publicly stated that B2Gold works were contaminating the water in the municipality and that despite the mine not having an exploration or exploitation permit it was carrying out subterranean drilling, causing the water table to drop. Local NGO, CENIDH reiterated its commitment to continue accompanying the community of Santo Domingo in its struggle for the right to a safe and healthy environment.
Political Action Category / Categoría de Acción Política:
Reference / Referencia:
Nicaraguan Centre on Human Rights (CENIDH), "Pequeños mineros de Santo Domingo, Chontales, marcharon para reafirmar su lucha contra la explotación minera", 11 February 2014, online: https://www.cenidh.org/noticias/586/
Accessed on date / Fecha de consulta:
12 August 2020