For Salvadoran NGOs involved in the Mesa Nacional frente a la Minería Metálica (National Roundtable against Metallic Mining), the regulation of transborder water resources in Central America has been an issue for many years. Their concerns emerged out of the discovery that both Guatemala and Honduras have received requests for exploration and exploitation of mineralsContinue reading “2014- Citizen Transborder Treaty Drafting [Cerro Blanco]”
Subsoil Type of Legal Action Archives
2006- Popular Law Drafting and Legislative Activities on the Right to Water
In El Salvador, the right to water and legislative initiatives protecting that right are closely linked to the socio-environmental and political struggle around metallic mining. For instance, in 2006 (the same year that a popular draft law to ban metallic mining was first proposed), a General Water Law was drafted by a group of aboutContinue reading “2006- Popular Law Drafting and Legislative Activities on the Right to Water”
2006-2017 The Mesa Nacional drafts and proposes Legislative Bans on Metallic Mining
The National Roundtable against Metallic Mining in El Salvador (Mesa Nacional) has been the driving force behind popular law-drafting efforts around the issue of metallic mining and its relation to human and environmental rights. The Mesa Nacional is an umbrella organization that began in 2005 in an effort to bring together social, environmental, and religiousContinue reading “2006-2017 The Mesa Nacional drafts and proposes Legislative Bans on Metallic Mining”
2015- Citizen Development of Mining Legislation Draft
According to an interview conducted with a representative of the Humboldt Centre as part of The Legal Cultures of the Subsoil project, in 2015 the Centre began to develop a new proposed mining law that aimed at establishing an effective mechanism for regulating, controlling, and monitoring mining operations, including the taxation and royalty rules, theContinue reading “2015- Citizen Development of Mining Legislation Draft”
2006-2009 Draft Mining Law proposed by civil society organizations
In 2006, the Civic Alliance for Democracy (ACD), a network of 35 social organizations in Honduras working to defend the interests of communities against mining companies, submitted a proposal for a new mining law that, among other things, ended the use of cyanide and other toxic substances, prohibited open pit mining, required community consultations/referendum priorContinue reading “2006-2009 Draft Mining Law proposed by civil society organizations”