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2019 Arrest warrant against 32 CMDBCP environmental activists

22 February 2019 La Ceiba criminal court warrant for the arrest of 32 CMDBCP activists on charges of illegal deprivation of liberty, aggravated robbery, arson and criminal conspiracy (privación injusta de la libertad, incendio agravado, robo y asociación ilícita).

2019 NGO Amicus Curiae in support of detained Guapinol environmental defenders

Amicus Curiae Casefile No. 565-19 (Court of Appeal/ SCO-0761-2019 Constitutional Chamber in support of Guapinol environmental defenders), dated 4 November 2019 submitted by Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), Human Rights Research and Education Centre, Bufete para Pueblos Indígenas and the Colectivo de Abogados José Albear Restrepo (Spanish).

2019 Appeals court ruling to dismiss charges against some protesters

In October 2020, the Honduran Appeals Court published its November 2019 judgement rejecting an appeal filed by the public prosecutor and Inversiones Los Pinares (ILP) against the National Court judge decision in March 2019 to dismiss charges of usurpation and damages against eleven detained CMDBCP activists for their alleged participation in the 2018 Guapinol protestContinue reading “2019 Appeals court ruling to dismiss charges against some protesters”

2018 Criminal complaints against private mining company and Honduran State authorities

CMDBCP criminal complaints filed with the Public Prosecutor’s Office against the private company, Inversiones Los Pinares, and against the Honduran Institute of Geology and Mining (Instituto Hondureño de Geología y Minas, INHGEOMIN), Honduran Institute for Forestry Conservation (Instituto Hondureño de Conservación Forestal, ICF) and the Ministry of the Environment (complaint no. 0209-2018-878).