TEXTO DE LA LEY N°. 40, LEY DE MUNICIPIOS CON REFORMAS INCORPORADAS, LEY Nº. 40, aprobada el 13 de junio de 2012, Publicada en La Gaceta, Diario Oficial N°. 6 del 14 de enero de 2013
Subsoil Type of Legal Artefact Archives
2003 Organic Municipal Law of Guerrero State
1994 Guatemalan Organic Law of the Legislative Organ
2016 Guatemalan Regulation of Environmental Evaluation, Control and Monitoring
1992 Decree to reform article 4 of Mexican Constitution on indigenous rights
1992 Decree to reform article 27 of the Mexican Constitution
Published in the Official Gazette on 6 January 1992
Constititution of Mexico
The Mexican Constitution dates from 1917, but has been subject to regular reform during the last 100 years
1992 Mexican Agrarian Law
Law published in the Official Gazette of 26 Feburary 1992. Latest reform published in the Official Gazette DOF 25 June 2018.
1992 Mexican Mining Law
Law published in the Official Gazette of 26 June 1992.
1992- Mexican Mining Law and reforms
Law published in the Official Gazette of 26 February 1992. Latest reform published in the Official Gazette DOF 11 August 2014.