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Environmental Justice Atlas –

The EJ Atlas maps environmental justice struggles from around the world. It aims to make community mobilization more visible and advance the case for corporate and state accountability. It also attempts to serve as a virtual space for those working on environmental justice issues to get information, find other groups working on related issues, and increase the visibility of environmental conflicts.


The Latin America Observatory on Mining Conflicts (El Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de América Latina, OCMAL) was founded in 2007 in Bolivia by a range of organizations seeking to develop resistance strategies and alternatives to mining in Latin America. The website provides essential information about mining projects throughout Latin America.


The Central American Alliance against Mining (Alianza Centro Americana frente a la Minería, ACAFREMIN) was founded in 2017 to strengthen solidarity ties to further the struggle for a Central America free of metallic mining. The website provides a map on extractive projects in the region and regularly reports on relevant actions taken by ACAFREMIN and other organizations. 


This site is a platform for research and documentation that aims to resource a more thoughtful and well-grounded debate on the issues arising from numerous Canadian mining companies operating throughout Latin America. It is developed and maintained by the McGill Research Group Investigating Canadian Mining in Latin America (MICLA), a faculty-student research collective based at McGill University in Montréal, Canada.


The Business and Human Rights Resource Centre works to advance human rights in business and eradicate abuse. It seeks to amplify the voices of the vulnerable, and human rights advocates in civil society, media, companies, and governments. It releases briefings and analysis, synthesising the work of hundreds of advocates across the world and makes recommendations for companies, governments, regions, and sectors. The Extractives and Transition Minerals section of the website tracks the human rights impacts of the extractive industries, and industry-specific initiatives to improve companies’ human rights practices. 

Observatorio de Industrias Extractivas (OIE) –

The Extractive Industries Observatory is an independent digital platform developed to gather, organise and visualise information on mining and oil extractive projects and their impacts in Guatemala. The OIE seeks to make publicly available relevant data and is currently carrying out research in the wider Central American region.