Issued on 22 September 2020, the Honduran Human Rights Ombudsperson’s public letter directed at the judicial authorities made the case for the detained members of the Municipal Committee in Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP) as human rights activists engaged in legitimate protest activities. The letter also pointed to the failure of the judiciaryContinue reading “2020 Human Rights Ombudsperson issues public letter criticising criminal case against Guapinol defenders”
Subsoil Violated Right Archives
2019 Visit of the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises
In 2019 the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises visited Honduras to assess the State’s compliance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Working Group made a number of criticisms regarding the regulation of corporate activity and human rights impacts, particularlyContinue reading “2019 Visit of the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises”
2021 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights report to the Human Rights Council on Honduras
On Feburary 2021 the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights provided a country report to the High Commissioner included in the annual report to the Human Rights Council. The report raised a series of human rights concerns, including the misuse of the judicial system in the Guapinol case in order to unfairlyContinue reading “2021 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights report to the Human Rights Council on Honduras”
2020- Guatemalan Government and the Xinka Parliament initiate pre-consultation over Escobal
In February 2020, the Xinka Parliament and the Guatemalan Ministry of Energy and Mines restarted dialogue on the conditions necessary to fufill the Constitutional Court ruling on the requirement to conduct a consultation process with the Xinka people affected by the Escobal mine (see Legal Action entitled, “2017- Judicial Suspension of Tahoe’s Mining Licences“). In October, afterContinue reading “2020- Guatemalan Government and the Xinka Parliament initiate pre-consultation over Escobal”
2009-2016 Pacific Rim International Investment Arbitration against El Salvador
In April 2009, Pacific Rim Mining Corporation (“Pacific Rim Corp.”), through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Pac Rim Cayman LLC (“PRC”, together referred to as “Pacific Rim”), commenced an Arbitration action under the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention seeking damages of more than US$314 million from El Salvador for unlawfully terminating its rightsContinue reading “2009-2016 Pacific Rim International Investment Arbitration against El Salvador”
2013 Citizens Complaint regarding B2Gold/DESMINIC violation of Legal and Environmental Regulations
In 2013, a citizen complaint was filed with the Environmental Ombudsperson, Office of the Public Prosecutor, and the Ministry of the Environment describing three years of violations of legal and environmental regulations by Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.), a wholly owned subsidiary of B2Gold, and the conduct of the authorities charged with theContinue reading “2013 Citizens Complaint regarding B2Gold/DESMINIC violation of Legal and Environmental Regulations”
2013 Criminalization of Protests and Mining Opposition Movements
After the arrival of B2Gold and its subsidiary, Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.), in the Department of Chontales, there were several reported cases of criminalization, violence, threats, and forced displacement against local residents and opponents of large scale mining, particularly in the municipality of Santo Domingo (CENIDH, 2013; Revista Envío, 2013). In 2012,Continue reading “2013 Criminalization of Protests and Mining Opposition Movements”
2015 Administrative Complaint filed by Affected Community Residents against B2Gold
In 2015, residents of Santo Domingo and Managua filed a complaint with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) of Juigalpa (the capital city of the Department of Chontales) against Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.), a wholly owned subsidiary of B2Gold. The complaint accused the company of, among other things, a failureContinue reading “2015 Administrative Complaint filed by Affected Community Residents against B2Gold”
2012 Administrative Complaint by Artisanal Miners against B2Gold
According to an interview conducted with a representative of the Humboldt Centre as part of The Legal Cultures of the Subsoil project, in October 2012, two groups of small-scale artisanal miners, El Cafetal (The Coffee Plantation) and Sector La Cuatro (Sector Four), filed a complaint with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), withContinue reading “2012 Administrative Complaint by Artisanal Miners against B2Gold”
2012 Administrative complaint filed by Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD)
In 2012, the Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD), with the assistance of the Humboldt Centre, filed an administrative complaint with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), the Office of the State Prosecutor (PGR), and the Municipality, challenging the granting of exploitation mining licences to Desarrollo Minero de Nicaragua S.A. (DESMINIC S.A.),Continue reading “2012 Administrative complaint filed by Save Santo Domingo Environmental Movement (MASSD)”