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2009 – IACHR grants precautionary measures on behalf of community defenders opposing El Dorado mine

On 7 October, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) granted precautionary measures to members of the Association Friends of San ISidro (ASIC) and the community Radio Victoria as well as a local priest after they had received threats believed to be in reprisal for their activism in defence of the environment in San IsidroContinue reading “2009 – IACHR grants precautionary measures on behalf of community defenders opposing El Dorado mine”

2014 Salvadoran NGOs submit information to the Universal Periodic Review

In 2014, Salvadoran NGOs submitted independent reports to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review process on El Salvador. Amongst a range of human rights issues, the NGOs highlighted the need for the State to strengthen the protection of the right to water of the population and also highlighted the negative environmental and transborder impacts causedContinue reading “2014 Salvadoran NGOs submit information to the Universal Periodic Review”

2019 Salvadoran NGOs submit report to UN Universal Periodic Review

In March 2019, the Central American Network for the Defence of Transborder Waters – El Salvador (Red Centroamericana por la Defensa de las Aguas Transfronterizas – El Salvador, RedCAT) and Franciscans International (FI) submitted a joint report as Civil Society Organization input to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. InContinue reading “2019 Salvadoran NGOs submit report to UN Universal Periodic Review”

2014- Citizen Transborder Treaty Drafting [Cerro Blanco]

For Salvadoran NGOs involved in the Mesa Nacional frente a la Minería Metálica (National Roundtable against Metallic Mining), the regulation of transborder water resources in Central America has been an issue for many years. Their concerns emerged out of the discovery that both Guatemala and Honduras have received requests for exploration and exploitation of mineralsContinue reading “2014- Citizen Transborder Treaty Drafting [Cerro Blanco]”

2006 De facto Moratorium on Mining imposed by successive Salvadoran governments

In 2006, the Salvadoran government, led by the traditionally business-friendly party, Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) imposed a “de facto” moratorium on all mineral-related concessions in El Salvador (Montoya, 2024). While not expressed in any formal document or policy, the moratorium was implicit in the fact that the government never granted Pacific Rim Mining Corporation anContinue reading “2006 De facto Moratorium on Mining imposed by successive Salvadoran governments”

2009-2016 Pacific Rim International Investment Arbitration against El Salvador

In April 2009, Pacific Rim Mining Corporation (“Pacific Rim Corp.”), through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Pac Rim Cayman LLC (“PRC”, together referred to as “Pacific Rim”), commenced an Arbitration action under the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention seeking damages of more than US$314 million from El Salvador for unlawfully terminating its rightsContinue reading “2009-2016 Pacific Rim International Investment Arbitration against El Salvador”