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2007- Municipalities Declare Territories Free of Mining [ASP1 and ASP2]

Between 2013 and 2015, approximately 20 municipalities across Honduras declared themselves “territories free of mining” by holding public referenda or consultative assemblies (cabildos abiertos) in which communities voted on whether to allow mining operations where they lived. These municipalities included, among others, Sabá and Balfate in Colón; Danlí and Teupasenti in El Paraíso; El Negrito,Continue reading “2007- Municipalities Declare Territories Free of Mining [ASP1 and ASP2]”

2019 Constitutional challenge to decree modifying Montaña de Botaderos National Park

On 25 February 2019, members of Municipal Committee in Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP) and the San Alonso Rodríguez Foundation, and accompanied by the Coalition Against Impunity, filed a constitutional challenge or judicial review (recurso de inconstitucionalidad) of Decree 252-2013 which had reduced the dimensions of the Core Zones of Montaña de BotaderosContinue reading “2019 Constitutional challenge to decree modifying Montaña de Botaderos National Park”

2012-2013 Creation and reconfiguration of Montaña de Botaderos National Park

On 8 October 2012, the Honduran Congress passed a law (Legislative Decree 127-2012) creating the Montaña de Botaderos National Park to protect local biodiversity and ecosystems and as part of commitments to maintain the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (in 2017, the park was renamed Montaña de Botaderos Carlos Escaleras National Park, after a murdered environmental activist).Continue reading “2012-2013 Creation and reconfiguration of Montaña de Botaderos National Park”

2006-2017 Constitutional Challenges to Honduran Mining Law [ASP1 and ASP2]

In 2006, a constitutional challenge was brought on behalf of 20 Honduran citizens, including representatives of the Honduran Association of Environmental and Agro-Forest Journalists (AHPAAF) and the Committee for the Defense and Development of the Gulf of Fonseca Plant and Wildlife, against the 1998 Mining Law. In 2006, the Court found that 13 of theContinue reading “2006-2017 Constitutional Challenges to Honduran Mining Law [ASP1 and ASP2]”

2018-2022 Criminalisation and detention of CMDBCP environmental rights defenders

The criminalisation and unwarranted detention of human rights defenders in Honduras has been widely documented by national and international human rights organizations (IACHR, 2019: para. 306; Statement at the end of visit to Honduras by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, 2019). This includes the manipulation of the justice system to mountContinue reading “2018-2022 Criminalisation and detention of CMDBCP environmental rights defenders”

2018-2022 Legal challenges to criminalization of environmental defenders

Facing criminalization for protesting against the ASP1 and ASP2 mining project, the Municipal Committee for the Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP), partner organizations and defence lawyers have mobilized to challenge their baseless judicial persecution (See Legal Action entitled “2018-2022 Criminalization and detention of CMDBCP environmental rights defenders”). This involved the voluntary presentations ofContinue reading “2018-2022 Legal challenges to criminalization of environmental defenders”

2019 Request for IACHR precautionary measures on behalf of Guapinol human rights activists

Lawyers representing the environmental activists of Municipal Committee in Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP) in detention or threatened with arrest requested the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to issue precautionary measures obliging the Honduran government to protect the Guapinol defenders at risk and respect their right to promote the protection of humanContinue reading “2019 Request for IACHR precautionary measures on behalf of Guapinol human rights activists”

2020 Human Rights Ombudsperson issues public letter criticising criminal case against Guapinol defenders

Issued on 22 September 2020, the Honduran Human Rights Ombudsperson’s public letter directed at the judicial authorities made the case for the detained members of the Municipal Committee in Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP) as human rights activists engaged in legitimate protest activities. The letter also pointed to the failure of the judiciaryContinue reading “2020 Human Rights Ombudsperson issues public letter criticising criminal case against Guapinol defenders”