The increasing concern of different communities in the Montaña and Costa Chica region about mining concessions also resulted in a parallel legal process using Guerrero State’s municipal law to reject mining and prevent authorities endorsing extractive projects. In 2016, municipal level assemblies (cabildos abiertos) were promoted and supervised by CRAADET with the municipal authorities of Malinaltepec and Iliatenco.Continue reading “2016- Municipal assemblies vote against mining”
Subsoil Key Actors Category Archives
2021 Meeting in Congress to question officials on compliance with IACHR measures
In September 2021, the deputy, Vicenta Jerónimo, held a meeting in Congress to question representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), the Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights (COPADEH) and the Institute of Municipal Development (INFOM) regarding compliance with the precautionary measures of the Inter-AmericanContinue reading “2021 Meeting in Congress to question officials on compliance with IACHR measures”
2019- IACHR issues precautionary measures on behalf of Xinka Parliament lawyer
In July 2019, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued precautionary measures on behalf of a prominent indigenous lawyer working with the Xinka Parliament. The lawyer had received a series of anonymous death threats, particularly after the public complaint by the Xinka Parliament against the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) and the MinistryContinue reading “2019- IACHR issues precautionary measures on behalf of Xinka Parliament lawyer”
2012-2013 Decree to establish La Montaña Biosphere Reserve, and regional mobilization of indigenous communities against the initiative
In 2012, the Mexican federal government agency, the National Commission for Protected Nature Areas (CONANP) and the Guerrero state Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources initiated the legal process to establish a Biosphere Reserve in La Montaña region of Guerrero. This involved quietly trying to convince some communities in the Alta Montaña region to acceptContinue reading “2012-2013 Decree to establish La Montaña Biosphere Reserve, and regional mobilization of indigenous communities against the initiative”
2011- Indigenous communities reject mining in their territories
In 2010, Me’phaa and Na Savi indigenous communities in La Montaña and Costa Chica regions of Guerrero began to observe outsiders entering and surveying their lands and to hear of reports of concessions being granted by the authorities to international companies for mining exploration and exploitation on their territories. San Miguel del Progreso, in theContinue reading “2011- Indigenous communities reject mining in their territories”
1992-2001 Constitutional Reforms to recognise Mexico’s pluricultural identity and Indigenous rights
There has been a long struggle for the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples in Mexico. An important achievement of this movement was the 1991 ratification by the Mexican government of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention 169 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). In 1992, article 4 of the Constitution was reformed toContinue reading “1992-2001 Constitutional Reforms to recognise Mexico’s pluricultural identity and Indigenous rights”
2020- Guatemalan Government and the Xinka Parliament initiate pre-consultation over Escobal
In February 2020, the Xinka Parliament and the Guatemalan Ministry of Energy and Mines restarted dialogue on the conditions necessary to fufill the Constitutional Court ruling on the requirement to conduct a consultation process with the Xinka people affected by the Escobal mine (see Legal Action entitled, “2017- Judicial Suspension of Tahoe’s Mining Licences“). In October, afterContinue reading “2020- Guatemalan Government and the Xinka Parliament initiate pre-consultation over Escobal”
2018- Draft Bill on Indigenous Consultation Procedures and CPO Constitutional Challenge
In March 2018, the Labour Commission of the Guatemalan Congress announced that it would begin analyzing a draft bill on proposed procedures for consultation with indigenous peoples (Guatemalan Congress, 2018). The following month, the Western Peoples’ Council of Mayan Organizations (CPO) announced that it had started an action before the Constitutional Court challenging this billContinue reading “2018- Draft Bill on Indigenous Consultation Procedures and CPO Constitutional Challenge”
2011 Country visit by the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People
In June 2010, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, James Anaya, visited Guatemala at the invitation of the government after the Special Rapporteur delivered a series of allegations of human rights violations relating to the Marlin Mine. During the visit, the Special Rapporteur metContinue reading “2011 Country visit by the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People”
2006-2014 Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal hearings on Canadian mining in Latin America [Guatemala/Marlin]
Between 2006 and 2010, the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) held three hearings as part of a session, entitled the “European Union and transnational corporations in Latin America: policies, instruments and actors complicit in the violations of peoples’ rights.” This session included testimony and evidence relating to the Marlin Mine in Guatemala. In respect to thisContinue reading “2006-2014 Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal hearings on Canadian mining in Latin America [Guatemala/Marlin]”