In May 2017, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) requested Montana Exploradora expand the report on environmental closure programme for Marlin mine to include additional information verifying five areas: Goldcorp Guatemala requested MEM provide an extension to comply with the request to avert MEM initiating legal proceedings against Montana Exploradora for non-compliance.
Subsoil Key Actor Name Archives
2013 Community makes freedom of information request
In March and May 2013, communal authorities of San Miguel del Progreso filed freedom of information requests with the support of the Centre for Human Rights of La Montaña -Tlachinollan (CDHM Tlachinollan). The petitions based on the General Law on Transparency and Access to Public Information were directed through the System for Information Requests (INFOMEX)Continue reading “2013 Community makes freedom of information request”
2013-2016 San Miguel del Progreso files first challenge to mining concession
On 15 July 2013, the communal authorities of San Miguel del Progreso filed a federal injunction for constitutional protection or judicial review (amparo). The legal action made two principle claims: the first argued that articles 10, 15 and 19 of the 1992 Mining Law violated Mexico’s Constitution and International human rights treaty obligations, such asContinue reading “2013-2016 San Miguel del Progreso files first challenge to mining concession”
2015-2019 San Miguel del Progreso files petition for constitutional protection against “Declaration of Vacant Mining Lot”
On 11 December 2015, San Miguel del Progreso, supported by the Human Rights Centre of La Montaña – Tlachinollan (CDHM Tlachinollan), filed a second petition for constitutional protection (amparo) against the “Declaration of Vacant Mining Lot 02/2015” (Declaración de Libertad de Terreno) issued by the Ministry of Economy in the Official Gazette in November 2015(forContinue reading “2015-2019 San Miguel del Progreso files petition for constitutional protection against “Declaration of Vacant Mining Lot””