In March 2005, Montana Exploradora filed for constitutional protection (amparo) against the resolution (EXP.PREVENCIÓN SM.01-2004/D.S.) of the Office of the San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson (PDH). The resolution had found that members of the community of San Miguel Ixtahuacán and mine workers had suffered human rights violations as a result of the Marlin project. The PDHContinue reading “2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution”
Subsoil Key Actor Name Archives
2017 Ministry of Energy and Mines requests Montana Exploradora expand environmental closure plan for the Marlin Mine
In May 2017, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) requested Montana Exploradora expand the report on environmental closure programme for Marlin mine to include additional information verifying five areas: Goldcorp Guatemala requested MEM provide an extension to comply with the request to avert MEM initiating legal proceedings against Montana Exploradora for non-compliance.
2005-2008 Constitutional Challenges to Community Consultation Processes brought by Montana Exploradora
In June 2005, Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, S.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of Goldcorp Inc., sought an injunction (amparo) against the Municipality of Sipacapa in the Department of San Marcos challenging the constitutionality of three municipal agreements in which the municipality agreed to consult, in good faith and in accordance with the customs and traditionsContinue reading “2005-2008 Constitutional Challenges to Community Consultation Processes brought by Montana Exploradora”
2004-2005 Human Rights Ombudsperson’s Office carries out investigation into Marlin mine
In January 2004, the Collective of Social Organizations of San Marcos (COSAM) made a request to governmental authorities to cancel the exploitation licences granted to Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, S.A., the wholly owned subsidiary of Goldcorp Inc., owner of the Marlin Mine project. They argued that not stopping the mining licences would result in negativeContinue reading “2004-2005 Human Rights Ombudsperson’s Office carries out investigation into Marlin mine”
2005 Complaint to CAO against the Marlin Mine Project by Sipacapa residents
In March 2005, residents of the municipality of Sipacapa filed a complaint with the Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO), the independent complaints mechanism for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). The CAO reports directly to the President of the World Bank Group, and facilitates complaints relating toContinue reading “2005 Complaint to CAO against the Marlin Mine Project by Sipacapa residents”
2008-2017 Goldcorp Human Rights Impact Assessment
Following a series of allegations of human rights violations relating to the Marlin Mine, in 2008, “a group of shareholders called on Goldcorp to undertake an independent human rights impact assessment (HRIA) of the mine” (Yap and Scott, 2010). The company created a steering committee to oversee the assessment, which retained On Common Ground ConsultantsContinue reading “2008-2017 Goldcorp Human Rights Impact Assessment”