The mine closed in 2010.
Subsoil Municipality Archives
2008 Petition for constitutional protection of the right to medical attention
On 11 September 2008, a petition for constitution protection (amparo) was filed on behalf of those suffering health consequences from the pollution allegedly caused by the San Martín mine. The petition demanded protection of the right to timely and adequate medical attention for the 64 people in the Siria Valley whose health had reportedly been damaged byContinue reading “2008 Petition for constitutional protection of the right to medical attention”
2004-2007 Investigation into water contamination leads to fine against company, overturned by court on appeal
In 2004, a study was ordered by the then Directorate for the Promotion of Mining (DEFOMIN) into contamination of water supplies near San Martín mine. This found that there was evidence of arsenic poisoning in the water supply to the community of Nueva Palo Ralo, a hamlet that had been forcibly relocated by the San MartínContinue reading “2004-2007 Investigation into water contamination leads to fine against company, overturned by court on appeal”
2011 Administrative Appeal to declare Siria Valley a Health Emergency
On 13 December 2011, the National Coalition of Environmental and Organisational Networks and the Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) submitted an administrative appeal to the Ministry of Health, requesting that the area of Siria Valley be declared a health emergency, that the Ministry immediately attend to those affected by heavy metals, carry out new medicalContinue reading “2011 Administrative Appeal to declare Siria Valley a Health Emergency”
2013 IACHR Hearing on Impact of Canadian Mining in Latin America
On 1 November 2013, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) held a hearing involving delegates from Honduras, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Brazil regarding the impacts of Canadian mining activities in the region, including testimony from the Honduran Centre for the Promotion of Community Development (CEHPRODEC) on the San Martín mining project. The hearing wasContinue reading “2013 IACHR Hearing on Impact of Canadian Mining in Latin America”
2012 People’s International Health Tribunal Hearing on Goldcorp’s mining operations in Central America [Honduras]
In July 2012 the People’s International Health Tribunal held a hearing regarding Goldcorp’s mining operations in Carrizalillo, Guerrero, México; Valle de Siria [Siria Valley], Francisco Morazán, Honduras; and San Miguel Ixtahuacán and Sipacapa, San Marcos, Guatemala. Testimony was heard from health, environmental, and human rights experts, and members of communities directly affected by the mining operations. The Tribunal “delivered aContinue reading “2012 People’s International Health Tribunal Hearing on Goldcorp’s mining operations in Central America [Honduras]”
2011-2013 Criminal charges against Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) members
In 2011, 17 members of local grassroots organization Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) faced criminal charges, including obstructing a forestry management plan in 2010 in the community of Tepalitos, in the municipality of El Porvenir. In July 2011, CAVS spokesperson, Carlos Amador, and another activist were temporarily detained on these charges, then released on bailContinue reading “2011-2013 Criminal charges against Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) members”
2007-2010 Community Complaint to Environmental Prosecutor
In 2007, the Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) filed a complaint with the Environmental Prosecutor against Entre Mares and Goldcorp regarding water course contamination and health impacts resulting from the San Martín and its closure process. In August 2007, the Forensic Medicine at the Criminal and Forensic Sciences Laboratory carried out blood and urine samples onContinue reading “2007-2010 Community Complaint to Environmental Prosecutor”
2000 Community complaint to Environmental Prosecutor
In 2000, the Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) filed a complaint with the Environmental Prosecutor, accusing Glamis Gold Ltd. (then owner of the San Martín mine) of environmental crimes. The Prosecutor conducted a 10-month investigation and sought arrest warrants for three officials of Minerales Entre Mares de Honduras, S.A., a Glamis Gold wholly owned subsidiary.Continue reading “2000 Community complaint to Environmental Prosecutor”
2007 and 2009 Latin American Water Tribunal Hearings
In 2007, the verdict of the Latin American Water Tribunal (TLA) found the Honduran authorities “responsible for not enforcing their environmental legislation and international commitments to preserve their water sources and their population’s health and wellbeing” (TLA, 2007). In particular, the Tribunal found that Goldcorp’ subsidiary, Minerales Entremares de Honduras was responsible for damaging theContinue reading “2007 and 2009 Latin American Water Tribunal Hearings”