2011-2013 Criminal charges against Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) members
In 2011, 17 members of local grassroots organization Siria Valley Environmental Committee (CAVS) faced criminal charges, including obstructing a forestry management plan in 2010 in the community of Tepalitos, in the municipality of El Porvenir. In July 2011, CAVS spokesperson, Carlos Amador, and another activist were temporarily detained on these charges, then released on bail conditions requiring them to regularly register with the authorities. The case against the CAVS activists continued through the courts until a judge dismissed the charges in February 2013 amidst intense international scrutiny. CAVS had filed at least 25 legal actions against mining interests since 2006.
The above events are part of a general criminalization of human rights defenders in Honduras, including the use of broad terrorism provisions in the Criminal Code against evironmental activists (OHCHR, 2018) (See the Legal Action, entitled “2018 UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders visit to Honduras“, for related information). These activists also experience violence and threats of violence in relation to their work on the protection of natural resources and territory rights (Ibid). One well-known example is the death of human rights defender, Berta Cáceres. She was fatally shot in her home in March 2016 after “a long battle against a hydroelectric dam project on sacred Lenca territory” (Guardian, 2018; Lakhani, 2020). The criminal trial of 8 men accused of the murder began in September 2018, resulting in a number of convictions, including of a senior company official (Ibid).
Bird, A. Rights Action, “Honduras: community leaders arrested on trumped up charges, for protecting forests from illegal loggers linked to Goldcorp Inc.”, dated 5 July 2011, online: http://myemail.constantcontact.com/HONDURAS—Arrest-of-Carlos-Amador—others— Linked-to-illegal-logging-and-gold-mining.html?soid=1103480765269&aid=zGddZ2iF1oQ, accessed 7 October 2020.
Guardian, “Berta Cáceres murder trial set to begin in climate of suspicion”, dated 16 September 2018, online: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/sep/16/berta-caceres-murder-trial-set-to-begin-honduras, accessed 17 September 2018.
Honduras Accompaniment Project, “17 Siria Valley environmentalists free of charges, but their fight continues”,dated 22 February 2013, online: https://hondurasaccompanimentproject.wordpress.com/2013/02/22/17-siria-valley-environmentalists-free-of-charges-but-the-fight-continues/, accessed 4 July 2018.
International Service for Human Rights, “The role of business and States in violations against human rights defenders of the rights to land, territory and the environment”, dated October 2015, online: https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Environment/ImplementationReport/Civil%20society%20organization%20joint%20reoprt%20EN.pdf, accessed 4 July 2018.
MICLA, “Honduras, San Martin”, online: http://micla.ca/conflicts/san-martin-3/, accessed 3 July 2018.
MiningWatch Canada, “Environmentalist and Communicator from the Siria Valley, Honduras Denounces Threats”, dated 17 February 2014, online: https://miningwatch.ca/blog/2014/2/17/environmentalist-and-communicator-siria-valley-honduras-denounces-threats, accessed 4 July 2018.
No a la Minería Metálica, “Líder ambientalista contra minería es capturado por Policía hondureña”, dated 5 July 2011, online: http://esnomineria.blogspot.com/2011/07/lider-ambientalista-contra-mineria-es.html, accessed 4 July 2018.
Nick Middeldorp, ‘In Honduras it is a Sin to Defend Life’: An Ethnography of the Discourses, Practices and Dangers of Opposition to Mining in Honduras, Wageningen University & Research, dated June 2014, online: https://www.iderechoambientalhonduras.org/es/node/263, accessed 7 October 2020.
Nina Lakhani, “Who Killed Berta Cáceres? Dams, Death Squads, and an Indigenous Defender’s Battle for the Planet”, dated June 2020, Verso.