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2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution

In March 2005, Montana Exploradora filed for constitutional protection (amparo) against the resolution (EXP.PREVENCIÓN SM.01-2004/D.S.) of the Office of the San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson (PDH). The resolution had found that members of the community of San Miguel Ixtahuacán and mine workers had suffered human rights violations as a result of the Marlin project. The PDHContinue reading “2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution”

2021 Meeting in Congress to question officials on compliance with IACHR measures

In September 2021, the deputy, Vicenta Jerónimo, held a meeting in Congress to question representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), the Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights (COPADEH) and the Institute of Municipal Development (INFOM) regarding compliance with the precautionary measures of the Inter-AmericanContinue reading “2021 Meeting in Congress to question officials on compliance with IACHR measures”

2012 Criminal Complaint against Marlin Mine filed by 100 Communities in San Marcos

In December 2012, leaders and representatives from approximately 100 communities in San Marcos filed a criminal complaint against the Marlin Mine project for unlawful appropriation of water, unlawful appropriation of property, industrial contamination, spreading of disease among plants and animals, intentionally falsifying and misrepresenting public documents (falsedad material y falsedad ideológica), and illegal exploitation ofContinue reading “2012 Criminal Complaint against Marlin Mine filed by 100 Communities in San Marcos”

2011 Country visit by the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People

In June 2010, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People, James Anaya, visited Guatemala at the invitation of the government after the Special Rapporteur delivered a series of allegations of human rights violations relating to the Marlin Mine. During the visit, the Special Rapporteur metContinue reading “2011 Country visit by the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People”

2008 and 2009 Latin American Water Tribunal Hearings [Guatemala/Marlin]

In 2008, the Latin American Water Tribunal convened its fifth session in Antigua, Guatemala. This session included a complaint brought by the Pluri-Cultural Centre for Democracy (CPD) against Guatemala and Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, S.A. (wholly owned subsidiary of Goldcorp Inc.) in respect of the Marlin Mine project in San Miguel Ixtahuacán and Sipacapa, DepartmentContinue reading “2008 and 2009 Latin American Water Tribunal Hearings [Guatemala/Marlin]”

2006-2014 Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal hearings on Canadian mining in Latin America [Guatemala/Marlin]

Between 2006 and 2010, the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) held three hearings as part of a session, entitled the “European Union and transnational corporations in Latin America: policies, instruments and actors complicit in the violations of peoples’ rights.” This session included testimony and evidence relating to the Marlin Mine in Guatemala. In respect to thisContinue reading “2006-2014 Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal hearings on Canadian mining in Latin America [Guatemala/Marlin]”

2005-2017 Criminalization of and Violence against Protestors and Mining Opponents [Marlin]

Since it began, the Marlin Mine project has been associated with several incidences of violence against environmental and anti-mine protestors, as well as a general trend toward increasing criminalization by the Guatemalan state, with high incidences of protestors and mining opponents being arrested, detained, surveilled, and threatened. One prominent example involves eight Mam Mayan womenContinue reading “2005-2017 Criminalization of and Violence against Protestors and Mining Opponents [Marlin]”