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2012 International Mission organized to verify Human Rights violations and criminalization of activists in Guatemala and El Salvador

In November 2012, an International mission was organized by Friends of the Earth El Salvador (CESTA) and friends of the Earth Guatemala (CEIBA) with participation of organizations such the Transnational Institute and Vía Campesina, to verify systemic human rights violations and criminalization of environmental activists and communities resisiting mining projects, including the El Dorado and Marlin mines.
Political Action Category / Categoría de Acción Política:
Awareness/Coalition Building
Reference / Referencia:
Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières, "International Mission in Guatemala and El Salvador: ’Transnational corporations pillage natural resources and violate human rights’", 2012, online:
Accessed on date / Fecha de consulta:
12 August 2020