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2012 Results of public opinion survey on mining presented at mining conference

In March 2012, the Center for the Study of Democracy (CESPAD) and the World Lutheran Federation presented the results of a September 2011 survey, which found that 91% of Hondurans opposed open pit mining, at a conference in Tegucigalpa.
Political Action Category / Categoría de Acción Política:
Press Conference and Public Statements
Reference / Referencia:

Friendship Office of the Americas, "Out of every 100 Hondurans, 91 oppose open cast mining", dated 25 April 2012, online:

MiningWatch Canada, "Honduran Congress Consults with Canadian Government and Mining Companies -- But Not Its Own People", dated 25 April 2012, online:

CESPAD, “La percepción de la ciudadanía hondureña sobre los impactos de la minería metálica, Hallazgos principales de la encuesta de opinión ciudadana en septiembre 2011”, dated November 2011, online:

Accessed on date / Fecha de consulta:
29 October 2020