2017 UDEFEGUA Denounces Threats against CALAS Director
In April 2017, the Protection Unit for Human Rights Defenders - Guatemala (UDEFEGUA) published an open letter denouncing threats and intimidation tactics used against human rights defender and lawyer, Pedro Rafael Maldonado Flores, director of the Centre for Environmental and Socio-Legal Action (CALAS). CALAS has been involved in litigation against Tahoe Resources Inc. regarding El Escobal mining project.
Political Action Category / Categoría de Acción Política:
Awareness/Coalition Building
Reference / Referencia:
Protection Unit for Human Rights Defenders-Guatemala (UDEFEGUA), "Denuncia Urgente 05-2017", online: https://www.business-humanrights.org/sites/default/files/documents/Denuncia%20Urgente%20Rafael%20Maldonado.pdf
Accessed on date / Fecha de consulta:
11 August 2020