2020 Citizen's complaint to Xinka Parliament regarding conduct of Minera San Rafael during Covid-19 crisis
In April 2020, the Xinka Parliament publicised a complaint it had received from residents of San Rafael Las Flores against the San Rafael mining company. The residents accused the company of providing food assistance during the Covid-19 crisis to members of community but only in return for the recipients signing documents and providing their official personal identity number. The complaint argued that such measures were presumably being used by the company to argue that it enjoyed support among the community, undermining the fairness of the preconsultation process being developed as part of the measures to comply with the 2018 Constitutional Court ruling.
Political Action Category / Categoría de Acción Política:
Press Conference and Public Statements
Reference / Referencia:
NISGUA, "Denuncia ciudadana: La mina Escobal aprovecha de la pandemia de COVID-19", dated 9 April 2020, online: https://nisgua.org/mina-escobal-pandemia/, accessed 26 December 2020.
Accessed on date / Fecha de consulta:
17 December 2020