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2008 CAVS files criminal complaint against Attorney General for obstruction of justice

In May 2008, CAVS made a criminal complaint against the Attorney General of Guatemala and the Assistant Attorney General for obstruction of justice, delaying justice, abuse of authority and violation of their duties as public officials. The legal action sought the suspension of the officials from their posts. The complaint did not result in any actionContinue reading “2008 CAVS files criminal complaint against Attorney General for obstruction of justice”

2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution

In March 2005, Montana Exploradora filed for constitutional protection (amparo) against the resolution (EXP.PREVENCIÓN SM.01-2004/D.S.) of the Office of the San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson (PDH). The resolution had found that members of the community of San Miguel Ixtahuacán and mine workers had suffered human rights violations as a result of the Marlin project. The PDHContinue reading “2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution”

2007 Community files legal opposition to Environmental Impact Assessment

On 17 May 2007, Colectivo Madreselva and members of Asunción Mita municipality (Jutiapa Department) filed their opposition to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) presented by Goldcorp to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). The same EIA had been presented to and rejected by MARN officials in 2004 and 2005. However, the team responsibleContinue reading “2007 Community files legal opposition to Environmental Impact Assessment”

2019 Meeting in Congress to question government officials on Cerro Blanco

In December 2019, a Guatemalan congressman convened a working meeting in the Guatemalan Congress to formally question the Ministries of Energy and Mines, Environment and Natural Resources, and Health regarding the health and environmental impacts of the Cerro Blanco mine and Bluestone Resources’ plans to reactivate the project.  The meeting was convened in accordance withContinue reading “2019 Meeting in Congress to question government officials on Cerro Blanco”

2015-2016 Constitutional challenge to Cerro Blanco exploitation licence

In November 2015, a resident of the municipality of Asunción Mita (Department of Jutiapa, Guatemala), filed a petition to the Guatemalan Supreme Court for constitutional protection (amparo) against the Minister of Energy and Mines for failure to terminate the Cerro Blanco exploitation licence in accordance with the Mining Law. The petition was supported by Colectivo MadreselvaContinue reading “2015-2016 Constitutional challenge to Cerro Blanco exploitation licence”

2010– Petition filed to oppose approval of Environmental Impact Assessment

In December 2010, the Committee in Defence of Life and Peace of San Rafael Las Flores and Colectivo Madreselva presented a petition of opposition to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) to oppose the approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) submitted by Tahoe and Minera San Rafael to obtain an exploitation licenceContinue reading “2010– Petition filed to oppose approval of Environmental Impact Assessment”

2018- Human Rights Ombudspersons of El Salvador and Guatemala coordinate actions on transborder impacts

In November 2018, El Salvador’s and Guatemala’s Human Rights Ombudspersons signed a letter of agreement on joint action on the project, “Strengthening the capacities of the personnel of the human rights institutions of El Salvador and Guatemala in relation to Business and Human Rights”. The project was supported and financed by the Danish Institute ofContinue reading “2018- Human Rights Ombudspersons of El Salvador and Guatemala coordinate actions on transborder impacts”

2012-2013 Creation and reconfiguration of Montaña de Botaderos National Park

On 8 October 2012, the Honduran Congress passed a law (Legislative Decree 127-2012) creating the Montaña de Botaderos National Park to protect local biodiversity and ecosystems and as part of commitments to maintain the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (in 2017, the park was renamed Montaña de Botaderos Carlos Escaleras National Park, after a murdered environmental activist).Continue reading “2012-2013 Creation and reconfiguration of Montaña de Botaderos National Park”