In November 2020, Honduras’ human rights record was examined by the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) for the third time. The review process involved the submission of NGO and other expert reports as well as the country report by the State party on the human rights situation in Honduras. An alliance ofContinue reading “2020 UN Universal Periodic Review of Honduras human rights situation”
Subsoil Violated Right Archives
2016- Municipal assemblies vote against mining
The increasing concern of different communities in the Montaña and Costa Chica region about mining concessions also resulted in a parallel legal process using Guerrero State’s municipal law to reject mining and prevent authorities endorsing extractive projects. In 2016, municipal level assemblies (cabildos abiertos) were promoted and supervised by CRAADET with the municipal authorities of Malinaltepec and Iliatenco.Continue reading “2016- Municipal assemblies vote against mining”
2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution
In March 2005, Montana Exploradora filed for constitutional protection (amparo) against the resolution (EXP.PREVENCIÓN SM.01-2004/D.S.) of the Office of the San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson (PDH). The resolution had found that members of the community of San Miguel Ixtahuacán and mine workers had suffered human rights violations as a result of the Marlin project. The PDHContinue reading “2005-2006 Company petition for constitutional protection against San Marcos Human Rights Ombudsperson’s resolution”
2010– Petition filed to oppose approval of Environmental Impact Assessment
In December 2010, the Committee in Defence of Life and Peace of San Rafael Las Flores and Colectivo Madreselva presented a petition of opposition to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) to oppose the approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) submitted by Tahoe and Minera San Rafael to obtain an exploitation licenceContinue reading “2010– Petition filed to oppose approval of Environmental Impact Assessment”
2021 Civil action by local families against Escobal mining licence
On 15 July 2021, the families that co-own the small landholding known as “El Salitre” in the community of Aldea los Planes, in the municipality of San Rafael las Flores, filed three administrative legal actions opposing the Escobal mine exploitation licence. The families were calling for the licence to be rescinded by the Ministry ofContinue reading “2021 Civil action by local families against Escobal mining licence”
2015-2019 San Miguel del Progreso files petition for constitutional protection against “Declaration of Vacant Mining Lot”
On 11 December 2015, San Miguel del Progreso, supported by the Human Rights Centre of La Montaña – Tlachinollan (CDHM Tlachinollan), filed a second petition for constitutional protection (amparo) against the “Declaration of Vacant Mining Lot 02/2015” (Declaración de Libertad de Terreno) issued by the Ministry of Economy in the Official Gazette in November 2015(forContinue reading “2015-2019 San Miguel del Progreso files petition for constitutional protection against “Declaration of Vacant Mining Lot””
2013-2016 San Miguel del Progreso files first challenge to mining concession
On 15 July 2013, the communal authorities of San Miguel del Progreso filed a federal injunction for constitutional protection or judicial review (amparo). The legal action made two principle claims: the first argued that articles 10, 15 and 19 of the 1992 Mining Law violated Mexico’s Constitution and International human rights treaty obligations, such asContinue reading “2013-2016 San Miguel del Progreso files first challenge to mining concession”
2012-2013 Decree to establish La Montaña Biosphere Reserve, and regional mobilization of indigenous communities against the initiative
In 2012, the Mexican federal government agency, the National Commission for Protected Nature Areas (CONANP) and the Guerrero state Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources initiated the legal process to establish a Biosphere Reserve in La Montaña region of Guerrero. This involved quietly trying to convince some communities in the Alta Montaña region to acceptContinue reading “2012-2013 Decree to establish La Montaña Biosphere Reserve, and regional mobilization of indigenous communities against the initiative”
2007- Municipalities Declare Territories Free of Mining [ASP1 and ASP2]
Between 2013 and 2015, approximately 20 municipalities across Honduras declared themselves “territories free of mining” by holding public referenda or consultative assemblies (cabildos abiertos) in which communities voted on whether to allow mining operations where they lived. These municipalities included, among others, Sabá and Balfate in Colón; Danlí and Teupasenti in El Paraíso; El Negrito,Continue reading “2007- Municipalities Declare Territories Free of Mining [ASP1 and ASP2]”
2006-2017 Constitutional Challenges to Honduran Mining Law [ASP1 and ASP2]
In 2006, a constitutional challenge was brought on behalf of 20 Honduran citizens, including representatives of the Honduran Association of Environmental and Agro-Forest Journalists (AHPAAF) and the Committee for the Defense and Development of the Gulf of Fonseca Plant and Wildlife, against the 1998 Mining Law. In 2006, the Court found that 13 of theContinue reading “2006-2017 Constitutional Challenges to Honduran Mining Law [ASP1 and ASP2]”