According to Article 25 of the Honduran Law of Municipalities, the Municipal Council is empowered “to call a plebiscite of all municipal citizens to take decisions on issues that the Council considers of great importance. The result of the plebiscite is binding and should be made public” (See Legal Action entitled “2007- Municipalities Declare TerritoriesContinue reading “2016-2020 Tocoa Municipal consultative assembly to declare “Territory Free of Mining””
Subsoil Violated Right Archives
2016 Ceibita community consent for mining project
On 30 June 2016 EMCO Mining (which changed its name to Inversiones Los Pinares (ILP) in 2017 and became part of the EMCO Group) approached locals of Ceibita to build an access road through their community to the processing plant and mining site. The company promised jobs and investment in Ceibita in return for agreeingContinue reading “2016 Ceibita community consent for mining project”
2018-2019 Criminal complaints by CMDBCP against private company and State authorities
Since 2018 the Municipal Committee in Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP) have filed a series of criminal and administrative complaints against state institutions, such as Honduran National Institute of Geology and Mining (INGEOMIN), the Honduran Ministry of Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Mines (MiAmbiente+) and Honduran Institute of Foresty Conservation (ICF), as wellContinue reading “2018-2019 Criminal complaints by CMDBCP against private company and State authorities”
2019 IACHR issues report on the Situation of Human Rights in Honduras
IIn October 2019, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued a country report on Honduras. The report was based on a field visit to Honduras in 2018 to gather evidence on the human rights situation. The report documents a wide range of human rights violations and failures of public institutions to comply with internationalContinue reading “2019 IACHR issues report on the Situation of Human Rights in Honduras”
2019 Visit of the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises
In 2019 the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises visited Honduras to assess the State’s compliance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Working Group made a number of criticisms regarding the regulation of corporate activity and human rights impacts, particularlyContinue reading “2019 Visit of the UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises”
2020- Guatemalan Government and the Xinka Parliament initiate pre-consultation over Escobal
In February 2020, the Xinka Parliament and the Guatemalan Ministry of Energy and Mines restarted dialogue on the conditions necessary to fufill the Constitutional Court ruling on the requirement to conduct a consultation process with the Xinka people affected by the Escobal mine (see Legal Action entitled, “2017- Judicial Suspension of Tahoe’s Mining Licences“). In October, afterContinue reading “2020- Guatemalan Government and the Xinka Parliament initiate pre-consultation over Escobal”
2019 Salvadoran NGOs submit report to UN Universal Periodic Review
In March 2019, the Central American Network for the Defence of Transborder Waters – El Salvador (Red Centroamericana por la Defensa de las Aguas Transfronterizas – El Salvador, RedCAT) and Franciscans International (FI) submitted a joint report as Civil Society Organization input to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. InContinue reading “2019 Salvadoran NGOs submit report to UN Universal Periodic Review”
2014- Citizen Transborder Treaty Drafting [Cerro Blanco]
For Salvadoran NGOs involved in the Mesa Nacional frente a la Minería Metálica (National Roundtable against Metallic Mining), the regulation of transborder water resources in Central America has been an issue for many years. Their concerns emerged out of the discovery that both Guatemala and Honduras have received requests for exploration and exploitation of mineralsContinue reading “2014- Citizen Transborder Treaty Drafting [Cerro Blanco]”
2014-2017 Five municipalities declare themselves “Mining-Free Territories” through popular consultation procedures
Articles 115 and 116 of El Salvador’s Municipal Code require municipal governments to promote citizen participation through various mechanisms, including popular consultations (consulta popular). According to art. 117, a popular consultation must be held where “40% of eligible voters request in writing” that one be called (See also, 2014). Moreover, the municipal council cannotContinue reading “2014-2017 Five municipalities declare themselves “Mining-Free Territories” through popular consultation procedures”
2009 Latin American Water Tribunal holds Forum on Open Pit Mining
In 2009, the Tribunal held a forum focused on the impact of open pit mining in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Peru. The panel considered, among other things, the fact that the mining projects at issue were owned by foreign transnational corporations and the lack of capacity of governments and companies to develop projectsContinue reading “2009 Latin American Water Tribunal holds Forum on Open Pit Mining”