In June 2014, the Permanent People’s Tribunal held a hearing in Geneva to hear evidence provided by human rights defenders on eight extractive project cases, including El Dorado. The popular tribunal judges heard evidence of the potential impact of the mine on access to water sources and contamination as well as the consequences for agricultureContinue reading “2014 Permanent People’s Tribunal Hearing”
Subsoil Violated Right Archives
2008 CAVS files criminal complaint against Attorney General for obstruction of justice
In May 2008, CAVS made a criminal complaint against the Attorney General of Guatemala and the Assistant Attorney General for obstruction of justice, delaying justice, abuse of authority and violation of their duties as public officials. The legal action sought the suspension of the officials from their posts. The complaint did not result in any actionContinue reading “2008 CAVS files criminal complaint against Attorney General for obstruction of justice”
2021 Meeting in Congress to question officials on compliance with IACHR measures
In September 2021, the deputy, Vicenta Jerónimo, held a meeting in Congress to question representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), the Presidential Commission for Peace and Human Rights (COPADEH) and the Institute of Municipal Development (INFOM) regarding compliance with the precautionary measures of the Inter-AmericanContinue reading “2021 Meeting in Congress to question officials on compliance with IACHR measures”
2015-2016 Constitutional challenge to Cerro Blanco exploitation licence
In November 2015, a resident of the municipality of Asunción Mita (Department of Jutiapa, Guatemala), filed a petition to the Guatemalan Supreme Court for constitutional protection (amparo) against the Minister of Energy and Mines for failure to terminate the Cerro Blanco exploitation licence in accordance with the Mining Law. The petition was supported by Colectivo MadreselvaContinue reading “2015-2016 Constitutional challenge to Cerro Blanco exploitation licence”
2019 Constitutional challenge to decree modifying Montaña de Botaderos National Park
On 25 February 2019, members of Municipal Committee in Defence of Common and Public Goods (CMDBCP) and the San Alonso Rodríguez Foundation, and accompanied by the Coalition Against Impunity, filed a constitutional challenge or judicial review (recurso de inconstitucionalidad) of Decree 252-2013 which had reduced the dimensions of the Core Zones of Montaña de BotaderosContinue reading “2019 Constitutional challenge to decree modifying Montaña de Botaderos National Park”
2012-2013 Creation and reconfiguration of Montaña de Botaderos National Park
On 8 October 2012, the Honduran Congress passed a law (Legislative Decree 127-2012) creating the Montaña de Botaderos National Park to protect local biodiversity and ecosystems and as part of commitments to maintain the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (in 2017, the park was renamed Montaña de Botaderos Carlos Escaleras National Park, after a murdered environmental activist).Continue reading “2012-2013 Creation and reconfiguration of Montaña de Botaderos National Park”
2019 Salvadoran NGOs submit report to UN Universal Periodic Review
In March 2019, the Central American Network for the Defence of Transborder Waters – El Salvador (Red Centroamericana por la Defensa de las Aguas Transfronterizas – El Salvador, RedCAT) and Franciscans International (FI) submitted a joint report as Civil Society Organization input to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. InContinue reading “2019 Salvadoran NGOs submit report to UN Universal Periodic Review”
2014- Citizen Transborder Treaty Drafting [Cerro Blanco]
For Salvadoran NGOs involved in the Mesa Nacional frente a la Minería Metálica (National Roundtable against Metallic Mining), the regulation of transborder water resources in Central America has been an issue for many years. Their concerns emerged out of the discovery that both Guatemala and Honduras have received requests for exploration and exploitation of mineralsContinue reading “2014- Citizen Transborder Treaty Drafting [Cerro Blanco]”
2009-2016 Pacific Rim International Investment Arbitration against El Salvador
In April 2009, Pacific Rim Mining Corporation (“Pacific Rim Corp.”), through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Pac Rim Cayman LLC (“PRC”, together referred to as “Pacific Rim”), commenced an Arbitration action under the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Convention seeking damages of more than US$314 million from El Salvador for unlawfully terminating its rightsContinue reading “2009-2016 Pacific Rim International Investment Arbitration against El Salvador”
2017 El Salvador passes Legislative Ban on Metallic Mining
On 29 March 2017, the Legislative Assembly approved a law prohibiting metallic mining in El Salvador. The law enjoyed cross-party support, passing with 69 out of 84 votes, well over the qualifying majority (Reuters, 2017 and Montoya, 2021).The law prohibits all exploration, extraction and processing of metals, whether in open pits or underground, and officiallyContinue reading “2017 El Salvador passes Legislative Ban on Metallic Mining”